real help for
young(ish) adults
regain restful sleep in 8 weeks or less
Now is a great time to start therapy.
You're trying to figure out who you are now and who you want to be.
Sometimes the lingering pain of childhood hurts or complicated family dynamics get in the way of moving forward. If you suffered childhood abuse or trauma, that can pose an even bigger challenge to the business of daily life and creating the future you want.
You see your friends getting into and out of relationships and maybe you're feeling
left behind.
You don't seem to be finding "your people" - those close connections you are longing for.
Maybe you find yourself hooking up with all the wrong people. Playing a role in relationships that you wish you could change but aren't sure how.
You don't always (or maybe often) feel like who you want to be.
You'd like to be more confident, sure of yourself, able to connect with the people you want to connect with.
You're on the outside looking in.
You worry there is something wrong with you. That there is something about you people just don't like or like you for all the wrong reasons.
Sexually, you are trying to figure things out here too.
Maybe you are exploring or too afraid to explore very much at all. Sometimes negative experiences from the past keep repeating themselves or keep you frozen - unable to move forward.
You're not sure how to connect sex to love (and you're not always sure you want to).
There are also big decisions to make about school and/or work.
You think "How am I supposed to know what I want to do for the rest of my life?" You don't want to be stuck in a job you hate, just living a life of drudgery. You want and need to make money to support yourself but you can't even imagine how you might begin to do that.
Maybe you do have ideas but just aren't sure how, where or when to begin.
You don't have to figure everything out on your own.
You can sort out some important things out now that will set the stage for the
next chapter of your life.
Get to know yourself in a deep way.
Learn how to trust yourself and others and make better decisions for your life.
Move toward closer, more meaningful friendships - finding people who really have your back.
Clarify what you want from a romantic partnership and increase your chances of
meeting that special person.
Maybe most of all, find internal freedom and creativity - room to roam.
If you want to see what's it all about - just give me a call or send me an email.
I offer a free phone consultation.